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Showdown Converter X

Table Tennis to Showdown Table Converter

Showdown sport was invented by two Canadian athletes in 1977. Then the first showdown table was made in Canada in 1980. Forty years after the invention of this sport, Adaptive Plays designed and made the first converter of table tennis table into showdown table in Canada.

Patent Pending

Showdown Converter X: 

In 2017 we designed a new type of converter kit for playing showdown which later in early 2020 it was registered in the US Patent office and is now patent pending. Our converter design was based on rules and measures set by International Blinds Sports Association (1995) and showdown tennis table was designed according to applicable size rules of I.T.T.F. (1997).

Showdown Convertor X converts all table tennis tables, and all flat surfaces and tables to showdown table.

Players play showdown with two wooden rackets and one ringing ball. The set up time of convertor X on the table is about 10 min and you can find the process quite simple.

The present invention relates in general to the sports for visually impaired people, and in specific to showdown sport equipment. Convertor of table tennis table to showdown table can be mounted on any tennis table and convert it to a showdown table. Please contact us for more information and partnerships.

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